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Our mission, vision and values are the guiding forces behind our partnership with the NDIS and relationship with our clients. Our wholehearted belief is our horses and team make a significant difference in the lives of those living with disability.


Mission :

To provide opportunity to people of all abilities to connect with horses for personal development, connection, and enrichment .


Vision :

Our vision is the space where people of all ages, abilities and capabilities can come and experience our horses in a safety conscious environment. We aim to provide experiences that cater to the needs and abilities of all our clients, offering connection and enrichment to their lives through horses. In our vision, people from all walks of life can come and experience the fulfillment horses we know horses can offer. Through riding, horse therapy, horsemanship or ground skills, Gold Coast Equestrian is committed to connecting horse and human for betterment of both .


Our Values :

We stand for safety, inclusivity, transparency, and optimism.

​HORSE RIDING GEAR - Onsite boutique / Pro Shop :

Please consider buying your riding gear with us, our dedicated and experienced coaches will be happy to fit it all safely to you !

Unfortunately, we see too many helmets that are not fitted correctly and therefore unsafe.

We reserve the right not to accept riders with an unfitted helmet.

For your safety, back protectors are compulsory for our junior riders and all riders jumping at GCEC.

We will also happily guide you to the best technical choice.

It is all about safety and if you find the same option cheaper elsewhere, we will match that price. 


Member riders do have to purchase our uniform: GCEC polo, breeches ( riding pants ), black boots and half chaps, gloves, helmet and body protector.

We try to source the best products at the best prices.

Members riders can borrow helmet and back protector ( we only have a few junior sizes ) for their 1st term of riding.

Book your trial lesson today

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